How in tune is ‘perennial spirituality’ with the Baha’i Teachings?



Of the Baha’i Faith Bahá’u’lláh says; This is the changeless Faith of God, eternal in the past, eternal in the future.”  

Abdu’l-Baha says that  each of the divine religions is separable into two divisions.  He places ‘ideal and spiritual teaching’ way above ‘social laws’, about which he says, “they are the accidentals of religion” they are not “essentials’.

The essential ordinances established by a Manifestation of God are spiritual; they concern moralities, the ethical development of man and faith in God. They are ideal and necessarily permanent;  

We should earnestly seek and thoroughly investigate realities, recognizing that the purpose of the religion of God is the education of humanity and the unity and fellowship of mankind. Furthermore we will establish the point that the foundations of the religions of God are one foundation. This foundation is not multiple for it is reality itself. Reality does not admit of multiplicity although each of the divine religions is separable into two divisions. One concerns the world of morality and the ethical training of human nature. It is directed to the advancement of the world of humanity in general; it reveals and inculcates the knowledge of God and makes possible the discovery of the verities of life. This is ideal and spiritual teaching, the essential quality of divine religion and not subject to change or transformation. It is the one foundation of all the religions of God. Therefore the religions are essentially one and the same.

The second classification or division comprises social laws and regulations applicable to human conduct. This is not the essential spiritual quality of religion. It is subject to change and transformation according to the exigencies and requirements of time and place. …………………

Time changes conditions, and laws change to suit conditions. We must remember that these changing laws are not the essentials; they are the accidentals of religion. The essential ordinances established by a Manifestation of God are spiritual; they concern moralities, the ethical development of man and faith in God. They are ideal and necessarily permanent; expressions of the one foundation and not amenable to change or transformation. Therefore the fundamental basis of the revealed religion of God is immutable, unchanging throughout the centuries, not subject to the varying conditions of the human world.       Source HERE

I take such statements from Baha’i writings to indicate a very high degree of consonance with Perennial Philosophy or as I prefer to call it ‘Perennial Spirituality’.  This would include Perennial Spirituality most recent flowering in The Mystic Heart by Bro Wayne Teasdale.