Scott Kiloby: Daily Pointers to Enlightenment -‘The One and the many’ – duality and Nonduality

Scott Kiloby: Daily Pointers to Enlightenment -‘The One and the many’

Our session in our One Garden group yesterday was a pointing to Nonduality. When I got home I found the piece below in my email inbox. As with most of his 365 pieces in his book ‘Reflections on the One Life; daily pointers to enlightenment’ it is simple, clear and profound – and therefore valuable.

“The One and the Many
Oneness includes the many. Non-duality is not only a realization of the formless realm or non-conceptual awareness, but also a recognition that form is none other than formlessness. Form includes people, jobs, relationships, ideas, feelings and all other things. So what is the difference between living life as a separate self and living life from non-dual realization?

The only real difference is that instead of believing that you are a person separate from the rest of life, there is a recognition that what you are in the deepest sense is (RP? delete ‘is’?) an unnamable presence. That presence is also the essence of everything you see. In that way, what you are is not separate from the rest of life. This seeing reveals a natural compassion, love, peace, and joy.

Your very essence is spacious awareness. This spacious awareness is prior to the story of being a separate person. But don’t let the realization stay there. See that the nothingness of awareness is appearing as absolutely everything.

As soon as the mind starts to associate non-duality only with nothingness, it is holding onto an idea about non-duality. That is not non-duality. Although the word “non-duality” is an idea, it is pointing to reality itself. In reality, form and formlessness are not two. The One is appearing as the many. Don’t try to grasp that intellectually. Look to where the words are pointing in your direct experience.”

~ From: Reflections of the One Life, by Scott Kiloby


I gratefully receive Scott’s reflections from Peter’s Pearls – Web Site:

I bought my copy from Amazon – if you are in the USA its HERE –